
Melissa Corbin

During my time of fellowship with King Jesus today, I felt strongly someone out there needs to hear this:

Sometimes fear can try to rush in with a LOUD entrance just after hearing that sweet Holy whisper of truth from Papa God. It try’s to get all our attention and focus as the beautiful truth then seems to get very uncomfortably quiet.

Fear is desperate for us not to digest the truth as it puffs itself up trying to look bigger and stronger than it is, robbing us of feeling that tangible joy and peace that comes from the word of God, hence why fear can seem overwhelming when it screams at you.

Has this ever happened to you? To be venerable and honest with you, this very thing has happened to me in my life as a Christian.

We cant afford to bite the bate of fear, not even a nibble no matter what the circumstances look like. I am not implying that fear is more powerful than Gods truth, that’s rubbish!
What I am saying is it all comes down to who we chose to listen too. The raging puffed up loud voice of fear or the beautiful, gentle, soft loving voice of truth that brings peace that goes beyond understanding.

From experience, I have found the most powerful weapon is to go straight into worship, no matter how I was feeling or even trembling, I worshiped God with tears streaming down my face as I stayed close to His powerful, protective and Holy presence, reminding myself out loud again and again of who He is and what His flawless relentless love looks like for me.

I then noticed shortly afterwards the screaming fear that always stems from the father of all lies, was fading rapidly until it was completely silent and peace started to blanket me. The room literally started to feel and look brighter.

I felt like I received a holy kiss on my cheek. It was beautiful as I smiled enjoying being in His presence. Then shortly afterwards, fear tried again with its pathetic attempt, but this time I noticed it was the opposite, it wasn’t loud, it’s true identity was revealed as I saw that fear was indeed very small and weak.

Being in His presence I so easily ignored the lies not giving it a voice and chose to remain in worship and His love. Fear was silent and nowhere to be seen for the rest of the day.

If every spirit of fear comes in a form of a lie which we know, this means that it should never have the power to trump God’s Truth, but the choice is ours. Lets not give fear a voice!
Lets make the choice to stay in His presence daily and dwell there, knowing who we are in Him. Life is so much sweeter in His presence and love. I can’t find the words to explain this in its entirety. Choose Jesus. Choose Truth.


© 2024 Melissa Lee Corbin