Times are changing

Melissa Corbin

Times are violently changing and shaking
But know this, my love and sovereignty can never be shaken.

These times will bring more unexpected changes of many kinds,
But know my mercy and love will get you through the valleys, remain close.

Don’t allow these times to distract, don’t allow these times to discourage.
My love will go before you, giving discernment and wisdom of what to do, what to say or where to go, bringing peace to every situation you face, remain close.

In these trying times I am searching for those who seek me in the quiet place, for those who are not moved by the chaos as their identity remains in me.

These ones I will rise up to usher in the greatest harvest. These ones I will use to show the world the reality of my love, presence and mercy. These ones I will use to demonstrate what normal Christianity looks like.

I am looking for my children who are not afraid to stand up against evil and compromise, who will speak up on repentance, holiness and righteousness.

This is not the time to remain quiet, complacent and unaware. Watchmen be aware, remain close.
Awaken my bride, see what times you are in. Arise to be the light that shines on the hilltop during these dark times.

Awaken my bride, the world needs to see and hear you shout from that hilltop about my love for the world, for it is groaning deeply in desperation for answers and solutions.
Arise my faithful ones, show the world I am the answer, the solution and the truth.

Do you hear it? Do you hear the groaning? Do you hear the pain and anger raging around the nations? My bride, Arise, know who you are in me, be the light I called you to be and be the salt to the earth.

Don’t be afraid, don’t let fear drive you into hiding and silence.

Don’t also think these times will destroy your promise and dreams, NO, actually this is the time to press into prayer with great expectation. Miracles are on the way. Destiny is at the door.

This is the time to seek me like never before, this is the time to get violent in prayer with those past promises, over your prodigals and for the lost and hurting world.

This is the time I will be raising up a new army of people whose hearts burn for righteousness and holiness, who aren’t afraid to stand in the face of lies as they crush them with truth in love. Love always rejoices with truth.

1 Corinthians 13:1
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

© 2024 Melissa Lee Corbin