God our Potter

Melissa Corbin

We all face hurts of every kind, not one of us will escape some sort of persecution or trial, but when you know your value in Christ, you will see the value in others and not allow sin produced against you to produce sin in you.

Why do we allow the past experiences to mold us into who we were never created to be in the first place? Why do we allow mankind to mold us by negative experiences or cruel words that were thrown at us? Why do we allow the world to tell us who we are in all aspects of our lives?

How life treated us has nothing to do with who we really are and who God has called us to be. God sees the truth of our created value. He sees past all the junk and loves us where we are. The enemy has been trying to whisper lies to us from the beginning, he doesn’t want us to ever know our true value. The lies of this world has unfortunately molded Gods kids which is us, into hurting, fearful and angry people who take it out on others and the vicious cycle continues. 

We have to stop listening to the lies. We should be letting God do the molding in our lives as He is our potter. He is the one that transforms us from the inside out. He is the one that crushes each lie which exposes our great value. He is the one that takes us to our destines living life to the fullest! He is the one with the final say!

Isaiah 64:8 Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Luke 23:34 “Forgive them for they know not what they do.”

© 2024 Melissa Lee Corbin