Jesus Is Enough
This is an encounter I had with Jesus that set me free from the need of being accepted by people.

Melissa Corbin

One day as I was in my media room sitting on the carpet worshipping, when Jesus walked in and knelt down in front of me and asked me, “Melissa IF no one loved you on this earth BUT only I, would that be enough?”

Quickly I replied, “Yes Lord, I surrender all to you. Your everlasting eternal love is enough for me.”

That encounter wrecked me! In a good way of course ;)

We shouldn’t be dwelling on the ones who don’t love us when we should be dwelling on the ONE who does.

He is the one who will never leave nor forsake us, He is the one that loves us unconditionally.

Being loved by millions of people can never compare to being loved by Him alone!

“Rescued and Redeemed by Grace”

© 2024 Melissa Lee Corbin