Perfect Love

Melissa Corbin

The bible says in 1 John 4:18 “Perfect Love drives out fear”

I asked myself this morning but what does this really mean Lord, how?

I asked Holy Spirit and what I heard was basically this: Love always looks like something, therefore true, pure and perfect love will rescue, redeem, encourage, provide and comfort.

So If I am resting in His perfect relentless Love that I know will always have my back, why would I entertain fear?

Fear is putting emphasis and focus on what the enemy might do, but peace comes from knowing our God who is love will do great things for us!

Tangible peace came over me in that moment. It’s amazing how fear can disappear in seconds when truth is finally understood and digested from the Word of God.

So don’t entertain fear, tell it where to go, remind yourself who you belong too, WHO you have in you, and is for you!

The bible says in Romans 8:31, What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

His perfect Love is all I need. Let His perfect love protect us and help us. To be honest, I’ve got to remind myself of this daily till it sinks in and fear is no longer a thought that is entertained.

© 2024 Melissa Lee Corbin