Don’t look at the chaos, look to me.
Intimacy with me drives out all fear. Fear cannot survive when my presence is near. STAY CLOSE.
Fear is the real enemy behind all chaos but I tell you again do not fear.
I am perfect love who protects and provides, again I say STAY CLOSE.
Do not be discouraged nor entertain hopelessness. Do not tremble in the midst of the chaos you see. Keep your focus on me with persistent prayer and praise daily.
I will carry you through this time. My love for you is bigger than any plague or crisis. My love will destroy all fear and my presence will crush all darkness. STAY CLOSE to me.
Arise and shine my bride, show the world that peace and joy is available in any crisis and storm.
Show the world my love never fails. I am bigger than any storm. I am bigger than any crisis.
You must STAY CLOSE and rest in my relentless love for you. Rest and know you can call on me for your every need. I am here. Be still and know I am God.”