In this life I have many needs as I think we all do, many needs in all aspects to do with my children, my personal life, friendships, family, health, decisions concerning finances and other lists that I can on and on about.
I realized in the past when I tried to take on all these life decision’s and issues that rise up and I tried to figure out how to solve them on my own, how to juggle them all, I could not physically or emotionally handle it. No way!
Stress is probably one of the unhealthiest things we could allow our bodies to go through and it just makes everything worse.
True story, A lady came to me years ago with alot of stress and worry. In result to this she was suffering with neck and shoulder pain. During our discussion Jesus told me to ask her to cup her hands, close her eyes and picture Him standing in front of her as she verbally placed every care in her hands.
When she was finished speaking, in the spirit I saw Jesus removing all the worry she placed in her cupped hands that were held up in the air, and as I told her what I saw she then opened her eyes looking at me stating all the pain in her neck and shoulders were gone!
She surrendered all to Him, handing over all the heavy baggage she had no right carrying, giving them to the miracle worker and in result became pain free!
Worrying doesn’t solve a thing but only robs us of our peace and joy. Worrying doesn’t make the problem go away. It took me years and years to realize this as I was such a worrier.
In this beautiful journey with Christ Jesus, I discovered when I gave every single issue whether tiny or big to Him in prayer, doesn’t matter how tiny by the way as what matters to us matters to him, I literally felt a weight lift, the burdens being crushed as I smiled basking in this unexplainable peace that goes beyond human understanding. I KNEW He was going to answer each one.
The fact that I don’t have to carry NOT ONE of these burdens as I handed them off to him one by one, is so freeing and light I can’t find the words to explain. It is PRICELESS when I give all my needs to him and I don’t have to worry about how I can fix them and overcome them? He hears me and always, I repeat always answers without fail! In His perfect time and perfect ways.
When my kids come to me with an important need, I usually tell them, “No problem, I will make sure it’s taken care off.” Then they skip off knowing that moms got it. They don’t doubt me, they trust me knowing that mom will take care of their needs as I will never forget what they requested because their needs are SO important to me, I make it a priority.
We should be the same when we lift our prayers to Papa. We should skip off with a childlike smile knowing our Heavenly Father has got it in the bag.
Let me tell you, I have a large list of important needs in my life, and now I am not worried how it will happen and I don’t even know what the answers looks like, but I trust Him as I wait expectantly in peace knowing that my needs I cried out for or even gently whispered were all heard.
I know how stressful this life can be and I hope this snippet of truth can help someone. He hears ever whisper, every groan, every cry, trust your Father without doubting, He is a GOOD Father.
I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8
“Rescued and Redeemed by Grace”