THERE IS A TIME COMING. (Word given to me by Holy Spirit on June 23rd 2020)

Melissa Corbin

Holy Spirit gave me this message on June 23rd 2020.

There is a time coming very soon, where prayers will be answered without much wait, without delay.

Where my voice will be recognised without hesitation.

Where their hearts passion for me will be like a raging fire that cannot be extinguished or tamed

Where the prophetic will flow like an endless river of heavens whispers

Where seeing healing’s will be part of the normal daily life and the world will marvel.

Where many of my people will begin in their labour as they finally see their promises birthed

Where the timid will become bold like lions without fear to the point it takes them by surprise.

Where the considered “weak” will rise up and destroy hell for the Kingdom of God, they will surely soar high on eagle’s wings.

Where the lonely will have heavenly visitations of the Holy Spirit and they will never be the same again.
Where my chosen hidden ones will be seen and heard for my Kingdoms glory.

Where dreams that seemed dead and forgotten by those who lost hope with passing time, will see them resurrect and excitement and hope will arise again with high expectation.

Where long fighting battles will soon end in breakthrough after breakthrough for I the Lord fights for them. Victory is theirs.

I the Lord, am raising up a people who live in holiness and fear not. They will tear down the walls in my name that the enemy have built in people’s hearts.

This is the time to seek me like never before. This is NOT the time to slumber.
This is not the time to doubt or procrastinate nor be silent and this is certainly not the time to compromise with holiness!!!

Wake up, rise up and let your voices be heard. I am coming like a rushing wave that will wash over people’s hearts as they finally step into their destiny, destroying the works of the enemy.

For this is the time to get priorities in order, to get your heart’s ready for what’s to come.

This is the time a great awakening will occur, where fresh revelation will wash over my people as they shout with excitement and expectation.

DO not fear, do not lose patience, do not allow the worlds chaos to distract you. Be still, Focus and commit to seek me with all your hearts and the world will see my glory and sovereignty like never before.

I say again, I am coming like a mighty wave, prepare your hearts. Prepare your eyes and ears for what I am going to do for and through the ones that love me and the world will marvel and know that I am full of love which triumphs over judgment.

This is that time! This is that time for the great harvest of salvation and miracles of great wonder will follow.
Prepare and get ready.

© 2024 Melissa Lee Corbin