What communion means to me

Melissa Corbin

What does taking communion mean to me? Yes the obvious and glorious fact it’s the remembrance that He took the sins of the world on Himself, by becoming the living sacrifice to take the punishment for us, as He shed His blood and His body on the cross because sin had to be punished, but I found that when I started taking communion at home daily, I started to realise day by day how much more this selfless and powerful act on the cross gave me, there is so much freedom that comes from what He did on the cross.

So, as I held the cup of red juice that symbolised His blood and the bread that symbolised His body, my prayer went something like this:

“Lord I thank you for what you did on that cross for me,

Because of this, (as I raised my hands up holding the cup and bread) I didn’t have to work for my eternal salvation but receive it in childlike faith

Because of this, my sins have been removed forever as I became justified, just as I never sinned

Because of this, I became righteous, holy and clean just as you are, the moment I surrendered to you

Because of this, I don’t have to be punished for the sins I committed as your blood removed them all

Because of this, I can live in peace because you said take heart, I have overcome the world

Because of this, I can now have an eternal relationship with the Father

Because of this, I can now live an everlasting life with the Father who is love, and never perish

Because of this, I am free from the law of condemnation

Because of this, I don’t live in shame anymore but in freedom knowing who I am in you

Because of this, sin has no residue on me, it doesn’t define who I am or who I will become

Lord what you did on that cross gave me so much, I can’t find the words enough to thank you! I am forever grateful. Amen”

© 2025 Melissa Lee Corbin