The greatest battle during the trials that come our way, I believe is in the mind, and the only weapon on this earth that can be used to win that war is the Word of God. Not just to know it, as head knowledge doesn’t change anything, but to apply it.
As I have used this example before, lets say a doctor gives me medical cream for a wound, and I know the cream will bring healing, but just holding and looking at it doesn’t bring the change to the wound, but applying it will. Same with the word of God, I am forever grateful and changed because I made a daily decision to apply in faith.
What do we do when life throws battles one after the other? We worship Jesus because circumstances should never speak louder than truth, and truth is life’s trials will never change the fact that God is a good, merciful, all powerful, loving Father and He is always for us and with us.
Being a Christian doesn’t mean we will never get touched by life’s trials nor are we immune to life’s unexpected blows, so when uncomfortable situations arise, the good news is we don’t have to go through the storms alone, we will overcome with Him guiding and comforting us as He always does.
Giving the battles to Him without worrying will help us overcome each trial year after year.
When we are squeezed only Christ should come out. We can finish this race well!